Music and Dance of Jammu and Kashmir

Music and Dance of Jammu and Kashmir

Apart from scenic beauty, the state of Jammu and Kashmir has also been famous for its cultural heritage. Music and Dance of Jammu and Kashmir has earned an international repute for being a rich blend of Central Asia, Eastern and Southern parts of Asia. Following are the popular trends of music of Jammu and Kashmir:

Following are the trends of music of Jammu and Kashmir:


It is one of the oldest and most popular forms of traditional music of Jammu and Kashmir. Sarangi, Rubab and Harmonium are used for playing Chakri. Several love stories and fables have chakri as the background music score. The Henna nights of the mehandi during the traditional wedding ceremonies are incomplete without Chakri music.


Locally called as the sarcastic form of singing, it is an important part of traditional music of Kashmir. Quite humorous in their context, they are like a political satire to the current trends in politics or society. The general issues are highlighted in a very humorous manner. Even with a grain of truth, they are quite entertaining.

Sufiana Kalam: Known for their own ragas and classical musical endeavours, this tradition is further enhanced by the incorporation of several instruments like setar, wasool, Kashmiri saz and even santoor. Hafiz nagma is the dance based on sufiana kalam.

Coming to dance, Jammu and Kashmir dance is known for several captivating forms of dance practices. They have become a very inherent part of the culture of Kashmir, perhaps an inseparable part of it. So be it festivals or marriage ceremonies, dance of Jammu and Kashmir is truly spectacular.

Following are the important dance forms of Jammu and Kashmir:

Ruf Dance

Practised with gaiety in both villages and cities of Jammu and Kashmir, it is performed to welcome the onset of the spring season. The bee lovemaking process is portrayed in the dance. The lyrics of the musical tradition are in the form of question and answer, where one side questions and the other replies.

Bachha Nagma Dance

The term literally means ?adolescent melodious voice?. This dance form is practiced normally during the auspicious wedding ceremonies and has now become an inseparable part of it. Boys perform this spectacular dance, consisting in 6-7 numbers.

Dandaras Dance

Very high levels of skills and competence are required for performing this dance, which is mainly done during the Lori celebration. One can also spot a model of peacock made of paper, which is used as a prop for every dance group performing. It is one of the most energetic dances of Jammu and Kashmir.

Hence, be it political satire or energy, music and dance of Jammu and Kashmir has it all. Go ahead and get your own feel of it with your next trip to this destination.

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