Customs in India
Mark Twain rightly said - "India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grand mother of tradition".
India is an incredible land offering magical travel experiences to tourists who come here from across the globe. India is unique, so are its customs and traditions. India's rich cultural heritage encompassing the real flavor of it is famous the world over and has fascinated many a poets, writers, scholars and other famous personalities of the world. Get acquainted with its wonderful customs and traditions and feel the pulse of this enchanting land.
India is like an ocean which embraces several rivers( symbolizing different religions and faiths) and still maintains harmony. No where in the world can one see such a great degree of diversity in terms of culture. India reflects a perfect example of "Unity in Diversity". Its customs and traditions are themselves an attraction for tourists. Starting from birth till the time of death, Indians keep performing many traditions and customs. Whether it is the birth of a child or harvest season, engagement, marriage, arrival of a guest, fairs and festivals and worshiping God, all the occasions here are celebrated with wonderful traditions.
Some of the famous customs and traditions of India are
Namaskar/ Namaste
It is the word which is used for greeting people in India. Although other forms of greetings are also used but this is the most common one. It is used to welcome someone and also to bid farewell. This gesture is marked by placing both the palms together raised below the face to greet a person.
It is a ritual mark made on the forehead between the eyebrows with kumkum, haldi or chandan (sandalwood) as a sign of greeting, blessing or auspiciousness.
It is an act of devotion, love or welcoming someone. Mostly it is performed during worshiping God. A plate with aarti lamp is circulated around a deity or person. Mostly it is accompanied by singing of songs in praise of that deity or person. "Aa" means "towards or to", and "rati" means "right or virtue" in Sanskrit.
Offering Flower Garland
Offering of flower garlands shows respect and honor. They are generally offered to deities and guests.
The married Indian women wear bindi on their forehead as an auspicious mark made with vermilion powder. Symbolizing Goddess Parvati, a bindi signifies female energy.
Prostrating before parents and elders
It is a respectful act of bowing down and touching the feet of the elders, parents and teachers. And in turn the elders give blessings by placing their hand on the head of him/her.
Lighting Diya(lamp)
A lamp is lighted in honor of God every morning and evening in the houses of almost all Indians.
Indians remove shoes before entering a sacred/holy place. While performing Puja the people cover their head. Also avoid wearing leather articles while entering a temple. While going to a sacred place Indians wear very modest dress and no short dresses are appreciated.
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